@cvcvcv LMAO I TOTALLY AGREE. That would be such a fun direction to take this.
Honestly, I think personally what I would do if I were writing this is complicate the romantic situation either – no like dastardly dastardly villains, Qiyu is pissy about the marriage but not like, ABUSIVE and like actually factually in love with Hunu’er. Have Hunu’er fall for LiQing instead after he’s like…put a plan in motion to kill the emperor that accidentally implicates LiQing and die protecting him. LiQing then decides actually fuck this shitty family and goes off with the foreign prince, who has been a slow build in the background that’s a REAL oooh will they – ? won’t they – ? are they – ?
I also think the thing about Qiyu is that he knows EXACTLY who LiQing is. I think he tells himself he doesn’t because it fits better with a reality he’d prefer. That’s partly why I suspect he started whining about LiQing the second he took Hunu’er, because I think his insistence on misunderstanding LiQing is like, ACTIVE malice. But like, yeah, you know, going all, “Oh man…listen baby, I’d totally marry you and unenslave you and make YOU my empress but my BITCH ASSHOLE parents are making me marry this absolute c-u-next-tuesday who is just OBSEEEEEEESSED with my d and being the future empress, UGH, MAN, I wish he would just die – maybe you should just like kill them all or something (just kidding)(or am I)(no I am)(unless…)”
Anyways also to be clear I totally get not liking Hunu’er I am 10000000% headcanoning SO MUCH to get where I am. Like, I firmly believe I’m correct, but there’s very little concrete textual evidence
@MissEve I do agree with some points here! QiYu and Huner both have misunderstandings about Liqing as they keep trying to prove something to the other by alienating LiQing. And it is also on LiQing for not taking initiative because, in these cases u have to be a little cunning. For example in married empress, Navier had support from everyone that mattered and took it to her advantage. When a man who has just as much power as her ex husband showed interest in her, she left IMMEDIATELY and started a new and better life. Lots of royals back then couldn’t leave cause they didn’t want to jepordize their position or security by divorcing but LiQing needs to become less timid and realize: he has the empreror (and I’m assuming the Qiyu’s “mom” too but we for some reason haven’t seen him”) the foreign prince, and servants on his side. He should use that to his advantage and take the foreign prince’s offer, but then the story would be over cause god forbid spouses escape their abusive partners in these BLs *eye roll* Anyways… I understand that things Huner might not be evil by nature and maybe devolped these instincts for survivle reasons. But it is also wrong to vilianize Liqing. Sorry I’m still on @BingQiuSupremacy’s comment lol like NO WAY you’re saying LiQing is evil like QiYu lol
Oh yeah! I should clarify – so the thing about this comic is that it mixes modern sensibilities with like, actual sensibilities of the time, right?
At the time, its my understanding that it would have been unusual (but not like, unheard of) for an emperor not to have concubines, but like…for a modern audience, of course most people are going to want to write a monogamous couple (I’m not fussed about that personally, I’m polyam myself – hopefully not TMI). So I guess what I meant is that the position Hunu’er finds himself in is like,..a forcible concubine who LITERALLY EVERYONE EXCEPT THE MAN KEEPING HIM – parents, spouse, etc – would…let’s say prefer wasn’t there. That doesn’t mean I think LiQing has any malicious intent, but what he would be is happier if Qiyu dropped Hunu’er was monogamous instead of being like “oh yeah we can manage his time” (not uncommon! It’s not China but for instance if I recall correctly Madame Du Pompadour, probably the most famous mistress of Louis XV, was on very good terms with the Queen) – that’s not like, bad, and it makes sense to line that up with modern sensibilities.
I think one also might consider that Qiyu is probably not…painting LiQing in the best light to him.
And GRANTED as well, the fact that Hunu’er has Qiyu’s ear and is specifically making things shitty for LiQing is…let’s say a pretty big factor there in LiQing keeping his distance I fully appreciate that LOL
As for the author, I should clarify there too: they can do whatever they want. Absolutely. The thing about art is that it creates an emotional reaction, right? That’s the point, and so when I say it makes me angry, I’m not angry at the person – how could I be, I don’t know them. I’m talking about story decisions. HOWEVER. The fact that I PERSONALLY don’t like it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t do exactly as they please I’ve said it before but I’m sure there’s LOTS of people who just want an evil blonde to hate!
@MissEve okay I can understand your pov! But I think it’s wrong that people keep vilianizing LiQing like the og person I commented to. He is in no way bad like QiYu and i think he is more than just “decent. He is selfless and even though he suffers humaliation from the open affair of his husband, he still doesn’t have malice. I also think it is really harsh to say “he very clearly wants Qiyu for himself”. You have to understand his position, if his role gets taken over by Huner then, his father’s life is in trouble, his scholarly career is in shambles and if they get divorced who are the people gonna shun more? The royal prince or the general’s son who got kicked out? Exactly. Just like you’re saying Huner doesn’t want to be with Qiyu, it is the same for Liqing. The marriage is arranged and Liqing probs though Qiyu would be kind but he’s not, so now Liqing needs this relationship for his survile as well. Furthermore, I don’t think it’s right to get mad at the author or say the author isn’t showing enough of a character when then character belongs to the author. Huner is what the author wants him to be, and if the current version of huner doesn’t live up to representing slaves at the time, that’s unfortunate but this is who Huner as an individual is. What the author wants to do with their character, they can do. Sorry for the paragraph lol I’m a D1 Liqing supporter I tend to feel drawn toward kind people who r used as punching bags, who will eventually have a the MLs chasing after them when they gain confidence
Oh your feelings are super super valid! I think it’s just important to acknowledge that he doesn’t have a choice in his relationship with Qiyu!
I actually think it’s hard to say what he’d be like if the roles were reversed – we’re seeing him as a sex slave in enemy territory who’s just witnessed the murder of his family. Who knows how much that changed him?
I actually think the major stumbling block is that LiQing very clearly wants Qiyu to himself. He’s a nice decent man (LiQing), we know that, but I thiiiiink if you were scared, traumatized, living in sexual slavery among people who just annexed your nation, you’d be pretty quick to assume that the niceties of the spouse of the man keeping you under lock and key and who you HAVE to submit to in order to keep from being executed who disapproves of their husband sleeping around outside the marriage are a facade and he actually wants you dead. WE know that’s not true. He doesn’t.
For the record: I really don’t think so far that this is the intended take of the author. I think the author INTENDED to write a bitchy conniving Turkic blonde who wanted to be empress. I do not think they fully grasped the reality of the position the character they wrote was in and it…makes me a little angry? Which is why I harp on it. LiQing’s position the comic at least understands, so I feel the need to point it out less.
@MissEve oh and to specificy i’m not trying to say heis willingly sleeping with Qiyu. I’m acknowledging the fact that he is’t purposefully doing it and although others may hate him for THAT reason, I do not. The reasons I don’t like him have to do with how he’s a bully to Liquing even though Liqing has been treating him GRACIOUSLY compared to how other rulers might have treated Huner. Like if Liqing was the slave/mistress, Huner would have ended him
@MissEve no i know he’s a slave an all but at the end of the day, he is still sleeping with a married man (the married man is a sleezebag but these are the facts). The point of my comment is to point out how rotten he is to Liqing. Take ur revenge on Liqing, his father, whoever. But not Liqing who has (despite his ways of addressing Huner) has been quite nice to Huner despite all the sh*t he’s been putting Liqing through. I feel like like Liqing may even be Huner’s friend if Huner wasn’t so condescending. That’s why I think Huner is just as rotten as the rest of them and deserves his terrible ending
@MissEve I agree to you even if hu nuer is a slave I don’t think so he should be doing that to li qing because li qing has done nothing to him only jun qiyu although i THINK it was not mention in the book that hu nuer is being r@pe by jun qiyu but I guess let’s be honest here jun qiyu literally made him into a slave that he can r@pe,humiliate, and be tortured
So important distinction: Hunu’er is a slave. A slave cannot consent to sleeping with a person who *owns them* because they cannot say no. He’s not sleeping with a married man, he’s being raped.
@BingQiuSupremacy lol i get ef qiyu but what did song liqing do? They victim blaming yall do for this story is crazy. Like imma be honest even when it comes to huner, hate that character i really do but not for the whole side peice, sleeping with a married man thing. It is simply cause he bullies Liqing. But liqing literally exists, gets abused, and he gets on ur nerves?
GIRL BOSS LIQING THEY CAN NEVER MAKE ME HATE YOU (although you could maybe open your eyes and realize u deserve better and don’t have to give up ur life for ur family’s sake)
FUCK THIS STUPID ASS STORY. we’re supposed to take this stupid bullshit seriously without the malewifedadmother shen yu from the first manhua? Nah, fuck you I will not ever let you forget that character lmao. Fuck qiyu and song what’s his face. This story did NOT need a sequel
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Ingrid Vanessa
May I ask when will the next chapter be out?
@cvcvcv LMAO I TOTALLY AGREE. That would be such a fun direction to take this.
Honestly, I think personally what I would do if I were writing this is complicate the romantic situation either – no like dastardly dastardly villains, Qiyu is pissy about the marriage but not like, ABUSIVE and like actually factually in love with Hunu’er. Have Hunu’er fall for LiQing instead after he’s like…put a plan in motion to kill the emperor that accidentally implicates LiQing and die protecting him. LiQing then decides actually fuck this shitty family and goes off with the foreign prince, who has been a slow build in the background that’s a REAL oooh will they – ? won’t they – ? are they – ?
I also think the thing about Qiyu is that he knows EXACTLY who LiQing is. I think he tells himself he doesn’t because it fits better with a reality he’d prefer. That’s partly why I suspect he started whining about LiQing the second he took Hunu’er, because I think his insistence on misunderstanding LiQing is like, ACTIVE malice. But like, yeah, you know, going all, “Oh man…listen baby, I’d totally marry you and unenslave you and make YOU my empress but my BITCH ASSHOLE parents are making me marry this absolute c-u-next-tuesday who is just OBSEEEEEEESSED with my d and being the future empress, UGH, MAN, I wish he would just die – maybe you should just like kill them all or something (just kidding)(or am I)(no I am)(unless…)”
Anyways also to be clear I totally get not liking Hunu’er

I am 10000000% headcanoning SO MUCH to get where I am. Like, I firmly believe I’m correct, but there’s very little concrete textual evidence 

@MissEve I do agree with some points here! QiYu and Huner both have misunderstandings about Liqing as they keep trying to prove something to the other by alienating LiQing. And it is also on LiQing for not taking initiative because, in these cases u have to be a little cunning. For example in married empress, Navier had support from everyone that mattered and took it to her advantage. When a man who has just as much power as her ex husband showed interest in her, she left IMMEDIATELY and started a new and better life. Lots of royals back then couldn’t leave cause they didn’t want to jepordize their position or security by divorcing but LiQing needs to become less timid and realize: he has the empreror (and I’m assuming the Qiyu’s “mom” too but we for some reason haven’t seen him”) the foreign prince, and servants on his side. He should use that to his advantage and take the foreign prince’s offer, but then the story would be over cause god forbid spouses escape their abusive partners in these BLs *eye roll* Anyways… I understand that things Huner might not be evil by nature and maybe devolped these instincts for survivle reasons. But it is also wrong to vilianize Liqing. Sorry I’m still on @BingQiuSupremacy’s comment lol like NO WAY you’re saying LiQing is evil like QiYu lol
Oh yeah! I should clarify – so the thing about this comic is that it mixes modern sensibilities with like, actual sensibilities of the time, right?
At the time, its my understanding that it would have been unusual (but not like, unheard of) for an emperor not to have concubines, but like…for a modern audience, of course most people are going to want to write a monogamous couple (I’m not fussed about that personally, I’m polyam myself – hopefully not TMI). So I guess what I meant is that the position Hunu’er finds himself in is like,..a forcible concubine who LITERALLY EVERYONE EXCEPT THE MAN KEEPING HIM – parents, spouse, etc – would…let’s say prefer wasn’t there. That doesn’t mean I think LiQing has any malicious intent, but what he would be is happier if Qiyu dropped Hunu’er was monogamous instead of being like “oh yeah we can manage his time” (not uncommon! It’s not China but for instance if I recall correctly Madame Du Pompadour, probably the most famous mistress of Louis XV, was on very good terms with the Queen) – that’s not like, bad, and it makes sense to line that up with modern sensibilities.
I think one also might consider that Qiyu is probably not…painting LiQing in the best light to him.
And GRANTED as well, the fact that Hunu’er has Qiyu’s ear and is specifically making things shitty for LiQing is…let’s say a pretty big factor there in LiQing keeping his distance
I fully appreciate that LOL
As for the author, I should clarify there too: they can do whatever they want. Absolutely. The thing about art is that it creates an emotional reaction, right? That’s the point, and so when I say it makes me angry, I’m not angry at the person – how could I be, I don’t know them. I’m talking about story decisions. HOWEVER. The fact that I PERSONALLY don’t like it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t do exactly as they please
I’ve said it before but I’m sure there’s LOTS of people who just want an evil blonde to hate!
@MissEve okay I can understand your pov! But I think it’s wrong that people keep vilianizing LiQing like the og person I commented to. He is in no way bad like QiYu and i think he is more than just “decent. He is selfless and even though he suffers humaliation from the open affair of his husband, he still doesn’t have malice. I also think it is really harsh to say “he very clearly wants Qiyu for himself”. You have to understand his position, if his role gets taken over by Huner then, his father’s life is in trouble, his scholarly career is in shambles and if they get divorced who are the people gonna shun more? The royal prince or the general’s son who got kicked out? Exactly. Just like you’re saying Huner doesn’t want to be with Qiyu, it is the same for Liqing. The marriage is arranged and Liqing probs though Qiyu would be kind but he’s not, so now Liqing needs this relationship for his survile as well. Furthermore, I don’t think it’s right to get mad at the author or say the author isn’t showing enough of a character when then character belongs to the author. Huner is what the author wants him to be, and if the current version of huner doesn’t live up to representing slaves at the time, that’s unfortunate but this is who Huner as an individual is. What the author wants to do with their character, they can do. Sorry for the paragraph lol I’m a D1 Liqing supporter I tend to feel drawn toward kind people who r used as punching bags, who will eventually have a the MLs chasing after them when they gain confidence
Oh your feelings are super super valid! I think it’s just important to acknowledge that he doesn’t have a choice in his relationship with Qiyu!
I actually think it’s hard to say what he’d be like if the roles were reversed – we’re seeing him as a sex slave in enemy territory who’s just witnessed the murder of his family. Who knows how much that changed him?
I actually think the major stumbling block is that LiQing very clearly wants Qiyu to himself. He’s a nice decent man (LiQing), we know that, but I thiiiiink if you were scared, traumatized, living in sexual slavery among people who just annexed your nation, you’d be pretty quick to assume that the niceties of the spouse of the man keeping you under lock and key and who you HAVE to submit to in order to keep from being executed who disapproves of their husband sleeping around outside the marriage are a facade and he actually wants you dead. WE know that’s not true. He doesn’t.
For the record: I really don’t think so far that this is the intended take of the author. I think the author INTENDED to write a bitchy conniving Turkic blonde who wanted to be empress. I do not think they fully grasped the reality of the position the character they wrote was in and it…makes me a little angry? Which is why I harp on it. LiQing’s position the comic at least understands, so I feel the need to point it out less.
@MissEve oh and to specificy i’m not trying to say heis willingly sleeping with Qiyu. I’m acknowledging the fact that he is’t purposefully doing it and although others may hate him for THAT reason, I do not. The reasons I don’t like him have to do with how he’s a bully to Liquing even though Liqing has been treating him GRACIOUSLY compared to how other rulers might have treated Huner. Like if Liqing was the slave/mistress, Huner would have ended him
@MissEve I meant * Take your revenge on Qiyui, his father, whoever
@MissEve no i know he’s a slave an all but at the end of the day, he is still sleeping with a married man (the married man is a sleezebag but these are the facts). The point of my comment is to point out how rotten he is to Liqing. Take ur revenge on Liqing, his father, whoever. But not Liqing who has (despite his ways of addressing Huner) has been quite nice to Huner despite all the sh*t he’s been putting Liqing through. I feel like like Liqing may even be Huner’s friend if Huner wasn’t so condescending. That’s why I think Huner is just as rotten as the rest of them and deserves his terrible ending
@MissEve I agree to you even if hu nuer is a slave I don’t think so he should be doing that to li qing because li qing has done nothing to him only jun qiyu although i THINK it was not mention in the book that hu nuer is being r@pe by jun qiyu but I guess let’s be honest here jun qiyu literally made him into a slave that he can r@pe,humiliate, and be tortured
So important distinction: Hunu’er is a slave. A slave cannot consent to sleeping with a person who *owns them* because they cannot say no. He’s not sleeping with a married man, he’s being raped.
@BingQiuSupremacy lol i get ef qiyu but what did song liqing do? They victim blaming yall do for this story is crazy. Like imma be honest even when it comes to huner, hate that character i really do but not for the whole side peice, sleeping with a married man thing. It is simply cause he bullies Liqing. But liqing literally exists, gets abused, and he gets on ur nerves?
GIRL BOSS LIQING THEY CAN NEVER MAKE ME HATE YOU (although you could maybe open your eyes and realize u deserve better and don’t have to give up ur life for ur family’s sake)
FUCK THIS STUPID ASS STORY. we’re supposed to take this stupid bullshit seriously without the malewifedadmother shen yu from the first manhua? Nah, fuck you I will not ever let you forget that character lmao. Fuck qiyu and song what’s his face. This story did NOT need a sequel
Make him suffer i just want him too suffer very much ahhhhhh!!!