luan321go I need to go eat something but it doesn’t matter I need to finished this book October 16, 2022 at 8:36 am
Daoofy It means to flog someone aka beating and hitting someone. People in the ancient times say it to discipline their servant or someone who has committed a wrong doing. Usually by people who hold more power over them November 1, 2021 at 8:38 am
Oh sh*t you gotta be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to go eat something but it doesn’t matter I need to finished this book
Ugh! I hate her
Thank you
His way of disciplining very strange
It means to flog someone aka beating and hitting someone. People in the ancient times say it to discipline their servant or someone who has committed a wrong doing. Usually by people who hold more power over them
What is mean by Flagellation