Lilyhawthorn97 Dad I’m pretty sure he’s a Phedophile….he’ll “eat” his “SON” August 4, 2022 at 2:52 pm
Help me go and study cos I have finals coming up i just read the spoiler in last chapter’s comments and wth whyyyy the dad be sleeping with CX’s gf??? dooshiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! May 12, 2022 at 9:34 am
F0kush1_k1tt3n wait- that lady has my name- she does not deserve my name tf u-u January 6, 2022 at 9:44 pm
KERUSHI So short…….. I still love it and thank you for uploading but still so short October 24, 2021 at 5:14 am
caught in 4k
This girl trying to poison xing who you think you are tf
Dad I’m pretty sure he’s a Phedophile….he’ll “eat” his “SON”
Help me go and study cos I have finals coming up
i just read the spoiler in last chapter’s comments
and wth
whyyyy the dad be sleeping with CX’s gf???
wait- that lady has my name- she does not deserve my name tf u-u
Talk like u do here
She better just be making that milk extra sweet
oof she ded
So short…….. I still love it and thank you for uploading but still so short

How dare u put something in the drink (ノД`)シクシク