Constellation - Of The Bright Night I can understand why, I mean seeing someone accept fate like his majesty did can pull anyone’s heart strings. January 12, 2025 at 10:42 pm
Evelyn.your.fav.asian Why am I like that? Why do I feel so sorry? And why… he smiled at the end before going… why didn’t he change in the first place? why did he had to be so cruel to people and himself… … ruining himself like that?… September 7, 2023 at 1:03 pm
Constellation - Of The Bright Night
I can understand why,
I mean seeing someone accept fate like his majesty did can pull anyone’s heart strings.
Why am I like that? Why do I feel so sorry? And why… he smiled at the end before going… why didn’t he change in the first place? why did he had to be so cruel to people and himself…
ruining himself like that?…